I appreciate this article so much. I believe that teachers are our greatest resource that we have in the world. We intrust our most valuable possessions, our own children, to them for many hours everyday for many years. They not only deserve our verbal support, but they also deserve our support in the classroom and at home.
It is the reason that I started the Grants4Teachers fund in Anne Arundel County, MD for all the teachers to see that I was willing to put my money behind what we all say at the end of each school year, thank you for a job well done.
I appreciate this article so much. I believe that teachers are our greatest resource that we have in the world. We intrust our most valuable possessions, our own children, to them for many hours everyday for many years. They not only deserve our verbal support, but they also deserve our support in the classroom and at home.
It is the reason that I started the Grants4Teachers fund in Anne Arundel County, MD for all the teachers to see that I was willing to put my money behind what we all say at the end of each school year, thank you for a job well done.